Friday 14 November 2014

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(GUEST POST) Furry Brazilian Implants: Things You Should Know

Are you curious what the fuss is all about with these furry Brazilian Implants? 

If you are planning to get breast augmentation surgery, or if you are considering these type of implants in particular, here are some important information you need to know first. 

1. Not FDA approved

Furry Brazilian implants may seem intriguing but unfortunately, if you are living in the US, you might have to fly overseas because it has not yet received a stamp of approval by the US FDA. However, study shows since 1969, it had only 1% incident of capsular contracture. This is one of the common complaints women about traditional breast implants. 

Thus, furry Brazilian implants is not offered in United States. On the other hand, you can get furry Brazilian implants in Brazil, some parts of Europe and Australia. 

2. Interesting structure

This type of implant consists of microscopic tubes of collagen fibers that are arranged on the same direction, as it is lined up end on end. These fibers slide over each other creating that “shrink wrap” effects on the implant. The implants are also covered with a layer of  textured polyurethane foam, which is a revolutionary material that encapsulates the silicone implant to act as a stabilizer for the implants preventing them from rotating.

3. The foam implants do not move

The layer of polyurethane foam that covers the implants stabilizes it, preventing them from rotating. This a plus since the common problem associated with breast enhancement surgery is the rotation and displacement of implants. Furry Brazilians, or Silimed implants, are unlikely to get displaced, which also means that they have lesser risks for bottoming out. 

4. Available in different shapes and projection

These furry implants are available in round, conical, teardrop, oval and anatomical shapes. Each of these shapes come in different sizes and projections. These extensive range of choices allow the patient to achieve the natural look that is most suitable for their physique.

5. Capsular contracture reduced

Capsular contracture is a given risk to any breast augmentation procedure. This is a defense mechanism of the body, as it considers the implant to be something foreign. It then wraps it in a natural membrane to surround the implant. 

Usually, the patient would not feel this happening. But in some cases, the membrane contracts like a shrink wrap compressing the breast. 

This can be painful and can even distort the shape of the implant. But the furry texture of the surface of a furry Brazilian implant affects the way the body produces the membrane that surrounds the implant. This reduces the body's reaction to the membrane, ultimately lowering the incidence of capsular contracture. 

6. The foam is incorporated into the body

The polyurethane foam that coats these implants gets incorporated into the surrounding tissues of the body. It basically acts like a velcro and when it attaches, it prevents the implants from rotating and dropping. 

7. Bigger incisions and scars

The process of inserting the implant requires a larger incision, since the implant is less malleable. If you force the implant by pushing or shoving it into the breast pocket, it could eventually break the polyurethane. 

Unfortunately, this is the only method to insert the implant, it cannot pass through the bellybutton or armpit area, like other implants can. So this means that this will also result in a bigger scar. 

8. Interesting feel or texture

This type of implant takes longer to soften compared to other implants. Usually, it takes around 3-6 months. Also, it is reported by many patients to feel rather warm to touch, just as how real breasts would feel like. 

9. Quite obvious

This type of implant is often placed under the breast tissue. The drawback in this approach is that the breast tissue will degenerate causing the implant to be prominent creating that appearance that you indeed had a boob job done. 

10. Some surgeons use KY jelly to insert implants

There are some cosmetic surgeons who use KY jelly in inserting the implants. Others find this to be concerning, especially with how this might affect the area in the long term. 

11. Unmovable

Its stability may be one of the selling points of  the furry Brazilian implants, but this may be something to consider also because once the implants are put in place, you can no longer re-position it. 

12. More palpable

Textured implants, like the furry Brazilian, tend to be more palpable on the outside. This is a particular problem among those who have very little breast tissue. 

13. More invasive revision surgery

Since no breast implants last forever, there will come a time when you will need to get a revision done. Removal of these “furry” implants requires the removal of the patient's breast pocket tissue that has bonded to the polyurethane foam of the implants. This is more invasive, since traditional textured implants and even the smooth ones are less traumatic with revisions.

14. Carcinogenic issues

There are those who still raise concerns on certain carcinogens that are gradually released by the polyurethane coating. It is said that these caused cancer in lab animals, but it was not completely proven if the levels found in humans were enough to induce the same effect. These reports are not conclusive. 

About the Author: Kathy Lim writes for Esteem Cosmetic Studio - a leading and reputable cosmetic surgery clinic located in Canberra, Sydney and Brisbane. Affordable and professional services.

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