Tuesday 28 August 2012

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9 Dependable Tips for a Successful Recovery After Eyelid Surgery

If you are reading this post, you maybe your are half way to your research about double eyelid surgery. Or better yet,  you already schedule your operation and  a day after the surgery you feel nervous and wanted to back out.

First and foremost, i would like to affirm your feelings. It's definitely normal and everyone shares the same sentiments before having the surgery. So relax and breath. 

In this post, I am gonna provide 9 effective recovery tips after eyelid surgery. This is an addition to your surgeons advice pertaining to post surgery care tips. You may already hear few of some on the list from your surgeons. If not, you may want to add it on your own "things to do" after the surgery.

So lets start.

As you already know, blepharoplasty is an operation that offers you a fresher an youthful look as it  produces tighter eyelids. An incision is created on the upper eyelid to fashion a crease especially for those ethnic groups that have a pronounced eyelids like Asians. It is also a surgery that will help address drooping eyelids.

1. Always keep your head  raised. Following blepharoplasty surgery it is vital that you maintain your head consistently above the level of the rest of your body  particularly when resting. This is carried out to  minimize swelling which can boost the healing process. You can  utilize two to three medium size pillows to support your head, or an inclined foam wedge can also be used for this. 

2.  Maintain a cold compress on. It  is essential to  hold some cold compress on the orbital region to also lessen the swelling. This will also  aid in  alleviating the soreness that you are going to experience soon after the anesthesia tapers off.

3. Steer clear off the stressful  things. Throughout the first week following the procedure, it is crucial that you  avoid any tasks or  elements that can stress your eyes. This encompasses watching TV, participating in any sports,  putting on contact lenses or eye make-ups.

4. Always keep those peepers cleansed. Your operating doctor will teach you several ways to  wash your eyes  soon after the  operation.  Adhere to them  meticulously and  make certain that you  maintain the technique as  sanitary as possible to avoid  importing bacteria and  contamination. 

Related:  What are the Eyelid Surgery Risks that Patients Should be Aware Of?

5. Purchase some eye cover. Use a special eyewear anytime you  head out to  shield your eyes from  dirt and other specks. Your eyes may also be extremely  delicate and dark sun glasses can  efficiently  guard your eyes from the glare. 

6. Eat Healthy. Even though you may not recognize the results  immediately, eating healthy can  in fact promote a smoother  recovery. By  doubling your consumption on  meals that are rich in vitamins C and E, you encourage a speedier  recuperation. 

7. Eye drops for relief. Your eyes may have a tendency to become unmoistened and  scratchy days  following blepharoplasty surgery, avoid  stroking them to  prevent problems. Preferably instead, use eye drops to always keep the eyes hydrated and to  clean off any fragments that may have been drawn in. 

8.  When you apply eye drops or ointments it is  recommended to administer it from the inside to the exterior canthus of the eye. You need to  express a  small portion and then  extract it before you put on the rest of the medication. You have to establish a  secure and sterile strategy to avoid the introduction of microorganisms which can cause infection. 

9. Give those eyes sufficient  downtime. An effective recovery  requires that you provide your eyes the break that it  ought to get. Stress as most of us are aware of can  trigger prolonged  recovery  specifically on the traumatized eyelids and it can further wear down the eyes  leading it to to  dry or irritate  readily.

If you have questions and clarifications concerning post eyelid surgery care tips, please don't hesitate leave us comments below or CALL US at (02) 9280 3632. We would be glad to answer all your questions. 

And for those who are interesting on talking to a certified cosmetic surgeon, please visit this website to claim your eyelid surgery free consultation. 

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