Friday 17 October 2014

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12 Health Conditions That Can Prevent Your Cosmetic Surgery

Are you a good candidate for cosmetic surgery? Before going to a doctor’s clinic for a surgical cosmetic enhancement done, there are three key important criteria that you need to remember to be considered a good candidate for a cosmetic surgery. Whether you are getting a full facelift or any cosmetic enhancements, like a rhinoplasty or double eyelid surgery, you must have a good grasp of the risks involved in the procedure, have realistic expectations and you have to be in tiptop health condition.

This is where the consultation process becomes a vital aspect of a cosmetic procedure, as this is where your doctor can properly determine whether you are a fit candidate for a cosmetic surgery. As part of this process, most doctors will require you to undergo several preoperative tests to find out existing health conditions, which you may already be aware of or not. Serious health conditions can hamper the procedure or may result to very poor healing. If this turns up during your consultation and in your test results, your cosmetic procedure may need to be postponed or even called off.


Unhealthy lifestyle choices can get in the way of a successful cosmetic procedure. Smoking can have an impact on your body before and after a surgery regardless of the type of procedure. This is the reason why cosmetic surgeons will not operate on smokers and will be advised to avoid smoking weeks before your procedure. You will also need to refrain from smoking after the procedure to ensure proper healing.

Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide. This greatly reduces the ability of the red blood cells to carry oxygen to the body, especially to the healing tissues, which helps to fight infection and encourage proper wound healing. Also, smoking causes the blood vessels to constrict and increases the risk of developing heart and breathing problems.

Drug and Alcohol Use

Another unhealthy lifestyle choice that can hinder you from getting a cosmetic procedure is drug and alcohol use. Same with smoking, you will be advised to refrain from drinking alcohol or taking illegal drugs several weeks before and after the procedure.

In a 2013 Reuters article, a study led by Maria Eliasen of the National Institute of Public Health at the University of Southern Denmark in Copenhagen revealed that, “Heavy drinkers were also 73 percent more likely to contract a post-op infection, 80 percent more likely to have difficulty breathing and 29 percent more likely to be admitted to the intensive care unit than non-drinkers.” This is because alcohol compromises the immune system and increases the endocrine stress response to surgery, which increases the risk of bleeding and poor healing process.

In the case of illegal drugs use, the risks are even higher, as the side effects of both alcohol and smoking can be experienced.


If you are severely overweight, your doctor may recommend you to lose weight, preferably to your ideal weight. This is especially true for procedures performed on the body, like liposuction and tummy tuck, as excess fat can put more tension on the incisions resulting in more noticeable scarring. Also, you will get better and safer results. However for procedures like rhinoplasty and double eyelid surgery, weight loss may not be necessary.

But in general, weight loss may be needed based on the anesthesia used during surgery. Having an ideal body weight decreases any complications involved from the anesthetic.  

High Blood Pressure

In general, you can still have surgery even if you have high blood pressure, especially during emergency cases. There are drugs used to control the heart rate and blood pressure during the procedure that are fast acting and effective. However for cosmetic procedures, you may be advised to keep your blood pressure levels as close to normal levels as possible. This helps in reducing any complications that may be involved during the procedure.

If you are taking medications to control your blood pressure, inform your doctor about this during your consultation. This will allow your doctor to determine whether this can affect your procedure and healing, as well as recommend an alternative drug to replace it before and while you recover from the procedure.

Cardiovascular Disease

If you have a heart disease, you may have a higher risk of developing a blood clot after a cosmetic surgery that cause a dangerous blockage in the blood stream. Also, the anesthetics used can cause problems when your heart is not in its tiptop condition.

However, having a heart disease does not make you a bad candidate for cosmetic surgery altogether. Your doctor may require you to secure a clearance from your cardiologist before a cosmetic procedure may be performed. Also, your medication will also be considered. You may be advised to stop taking blood-thinning medications before your surgery date with the clearance, of course, of your cardiologist.


One of the health conditions that raise a lot of concern when getting cosmetic surgery is diabetes. This is because high sugar levels in diabetics, whether Type 1 or Type 2, is associated with issues of neuropathy, heart problems, kidney problems and poor wound healing, especially in poorly controlled glucose levels.

Generally, cosmetic surgery can be performed in diabetics. But, an extensive blood work may need to be performed to determine and ensure that you have a good control of your blood glucose levels. However for Type 1 diabetes, a special arrangement may need to be made because of the dietary changes needed in preparation for a procedure and the type of anesthetic that will be used.

Respiratory Disorder

Functional rhinoplasty is usually performed to correct breathing problems without necessarily changing the appearance of the nose. However, if you are suffering from a respiratory disorder or severe breathing problem, an extensive preoperative test may need to be in order. This will help your doctor evaluate whether or not you are a good candidate, as difficulty in breathing can put you at risk when you are sedated.


Because cosmetic surgery involves blood loss, anemia is one of the health conditions that may result to a cancellation of a surgery. Anemia increases the risk of progressive decrease in your red blood cells, intra-operative blood loss, post-operative bruising and intravascular blood loss.

You may be required to seek further medical treatment to identify the cause of your anemia, the medications and the methods to increase your blood count. You may be recommended to take iron supplements to get your blood count within normal range.

Bleeding Disorders

If you are suffering from any bleeding disorder, you may be required to undergo extensive workup, as it can have dangerous risks during and after surgery. Hemophiliacs who lack the blood clotting factors can lead to profuse bleeding during surgery and can even result to death. On the other hand, hematoma also known as postoperative bleeding that occurs directly under the skin, though not life threatening, may require inconvenient additional treatment to identify the blood vessels and evacuate a blood clot.

Cosmetic surgery can still be performed safely, however, with the assistance of a hematologist or with blood medication and products. So if you have a family history of heavy menstrual period, bruising and postoperative bleeding (such as after a simple procedure like a dental work), immediately bring this up with your doctor during consultation.

Infectious Diseases

Infectious diseases, such as hepatitis and HIV, may not make you a good candidate for cosmetic surgery, in certain cases. This is because it could lead to poor wound healing and infection.

However, if your disease is considered “inactive”, this will not stop you from getting a procedure done. Your doctor and his medical team will employ precautions to prevent them from contracting the disease. It is imperative that you inform your doctor if you have such diseases. If you are a bit apprehensive of disclosing this information, do not worry, as doctors will take this with utmost confidentiality.  

Undergoing Personal Crisis

In the US Women’s Health Office website, ASPS says that patients undergoing personal crisis are best advised to put off their cosmetic surgery until you have sorted out the issues first. You should be in your sound mind when deciding to get a surgical cosmetic procedure done once the doctor gets your consent.

Mental Illness

If a patient is exhibiting symptoms of mental illness or a psychological disorder, undergoing a cosmetic surgery may not be possible. Individuals suffering from Body Dysmorphic Disorder or BDD, insists on unrealistic expectations and those who seek the consultation of doctor after doctor to get the treatment that they want will be advised to undergo psychological treatment and/or medication before getting cosmetic surgery.

Undergoing a cosmetic surgery, whether a facelift, rhinoplasty or double eyelid surgery, can create a huge impact, not just physically, but on the psychological level, as well. That is why it is important that you should equip yourself with the proper information about the procedure you are getting, no matter how minor you think it is.

It is also an advantage to seek out a cosmetic surgeon who has had the long and extensive experience in the field. Dr. Ahnsup Andrew Kim of the Advance Beauty Cosmetic Surgery has been specializing in rhinoplasty and double eyelid surgery for many years now.

Dr. Kim offers a free consultation to his patients who are seeking out to enhance their face with a well-balanced nose or natural-looking double eyelids. Visit their clinics now in Canberra, Brisbane, Melbourne or Sydney or call now to schedule your free consultation.

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