Tuesday 24 September 2013

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Post – Rhinoplasty Questions and Answers

Right after your new nose is revealed, you may feel a sense of disappointment or even horror. 

And you may ask yourself these questions:

What if things gone wrong?

What if I will not be satisfied with the result?

In this article, I will be sharing answers to frequently asked questions after getting rhinoplasty surgery. In this way, you will not be powerless over your worry and anxiety after getting the procedure. Though I recommend that you take up these concerns with your surgeon.

How long is the recovery period for rhinoplasty?

The recovery process will differ for every individual, and it will also vary depending on the procedure done. But usually it would take a full year before you can have the final result. However it doesn't mean that you’ll end up being a hermit for the entire duration. The nose will look normal but the process of healing internally will often take 12 months, sometimes even more.

What possible risks should I prepare for?

Temporary swelling and bruising is something that should be expected after the procedure. Other potential problems associated with rhinoplasty include bleeding, skin necrosis, complications to anesthesia, scarring, nasal blockage, septal perforation and infection.

What can I do to safely reduce recovery time?

Yes, it is possible to reduce your recovery time and you can do this safely too. You can take arnica tablets so that swelling and bruising can be minimized. You can also do the same by taking pineapple extracts and vitamin C supplements, sleeping with your head elevated and immediate application of cold compress over the area.
How can I effectively conceal bruising during recovery?

Makeup will be a very good friend when to cover up bruising. Take note that bruising will still be present for months, although it may lighten over time. But you don’t want any sign showing that you had something don right? So try concealing products like BB creams, concealers and foundations.

What activities should I avoid during the recovery period and how long should I steer clear from them?

You should not do heavy lifting or any contact sports during the early recovery period. However, most patients can do light activity such as driving, go out in public or does office work within days after surgery. Full contact sports should be avoided for 6 months, but light exercises can be done after a few weeks.

Every surgeon has their own recommendations or post-surgical recovery protocols, and you have to follow these accordingly because surgeons also base their instructions on your particular case.

What if I will not be satisfied with the result?

If you find your rhinoplasty result short of what you expect, you can ask your surgeon about revisions. It is best to take this up during consultation so that you will know if he does revisions for free, or if you have to cover part of the expenses. Usually surgeons would wait a couple of months before they perform a revision.

How many possible revisions can I get?

Surgeons can’t give you an absolute number as to when a rhinoplasty will become dangerous or more at risk to fail. But it is always true that complication rate increases the more surgeries are perform. The number of revisions will also be dependent on the soft tissue, and with the subsequent procedures done, this can cause the skin to thin out. 

Factors that may affect the rhinoplasty revision surgery is the formation of scar tissue and the type of rhinoplasty done. For example, reductive rhinoplasty will make revision more difficult because it does not restore structural support. 

How many months after my first surgery can I get a revision?

Generally, surgeons would wait at least 6-12 months before a surgical revision is done. Within this time, the nose can undergo some physical changes, and scar maturation will also take place. These will determine re-operation. It also takes months for certain bumps, lumps and asymmetries to disappear and the final result can be observed.

For any other questions, please make an enquiry by calling (02) 9280 3632. We offer patient financing and free consultation to our valued patients.

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