Thursday 23 January 2014

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The Truth Behind The Top 10 Nose Job Myths

Undeniably, rhinoplasty or nose job is clearly among the most popular surgical cosmetic procedures. According to the 2012 Statistics Report of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, as well as the 2012 Cosmetic Surgery National Data Bank by The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, shows that the procedure on the central feature of the face is included in the list of top 5 cosmetic procedures for that year. However, despite its popularity, there are still misconceptions and even misunderstandings regarding rhinoplasty. This has caused apprehensions on quite a few people who are highly considering getting the procedure done. If you are one of those people who are unsure whether or not to believe those nose job myths, let us shed light and give you the facts straight out on some of the misguided rhinoplasty facts.

Myth 1: It Is A Quick and Simple Procedure.

Contrary to popular belief, rhinoplasty is not as simple as cutting through the nose, shaving of a bump and inserting an implant to achieve a well-defined new nose. A typical nose job procedure usually takes between one to two hours to perform. It takes skillful workmanship and technique to achieve a desired result.

It takes precision when making an incision or shaping the nose by removing a hump or improving a nose tip. Your surgeon must not be clumsy in performing rhinoplasty, because a little mistake can have a great impact in the balance of the overall look of the entire face. Remember, that even a little tweak in the nose can result to dramatic changes to your face. So, your surgeon will have to be meticulous in performing the procedure.

Myth 2: It Is Extremely Painful.

Most rhinoplasty surgery will be performed under general anesthesia. This means that you will be asleep for the entire duration of the procedure. After the procedure and when the anesthesia has subsided, you may feel a slight pain. This can, however, be remedied by taking pain relievers as prescribed by your surgeon. This minor discomfort may last between 7 to 10 days.

Image Source: Eve's Herbs

Also, your nose will be covered by a cast or splint to ensure the speedy recovery and to prevent it from getting hit or injured during the healing process. Your nose may also feel stuffy, but this will go down in a few days. Compared to other cosmetic procedures, the pain you will experience with rhinoplasty is fairly minimal.

Myth 3: It Takes A Long Downtime.

One concern of most people who are considering about getting the procedure done is that rhinoplasty requires a long downtime. This is a concern that is particularly common to those who are working. The minor swelling or bruising, if any, usually subsides between 5 to 7 days after the procedure has been done. Also, once the cast or splint has been removed after a week, the patient can return to work and perform normal day-to-day activities. However, strenuous activities like playing sports or going back to the gym should be avoided until after at least a month from the day of surgery.

Myth 4: My Nose Will Look Fake.

A lot of people have this great fear that getting a nose job done will result to a look that is fake. This is where getting the services of a professional and qualified plastic surgeon, who specializes in rhinoplasty, is crucial. This is where his masterful skills come into play in creating a natural-looking result to your new nose. An excellent surgeon should know how to strike the balance of your nose with the rest of your face so that the end-result does not look fake.

Image Source: Flickr

Myth 5: I Can Choose Any Nose I Want.

This is one of the biggest myths about rhinoplasty. You certainly cannot have the exact same nose as that of your favorite celebrity. While this may be possible, however, this is exactly the very reason why Myth 4 can come into fruition. Each nose is unique to the face of each and every individual and putting someone else’s nose shape can alter your appearance, not in a good way.

You can always bring a picture of your favorite celebrity only as a reference. Openly discuss what you want, but you should also be open to the recommendations that will be discussed with you by your surgeon during your confidential consultation. Your surgeon will always take into consideration your facial features that will enhance and highlight your overall appearance with a new nose. Remember, that the best rhinoplasty is achieved when it is tailor fit to bring out your unique features.

Myth 6: I Will Have Breathing Problems After Having The Procedure Done.

A great plastic surgeon will know how to carry out a rhinoplasty procedure without affecting the patient’s breathing at all. Good training will allow him to improve the shape and size of your nose aesthetically, while respecting your nose’s anatomy and functionality at the same time.

Myth 7: It Is a Female Procedure.

While majority of the rhinoplasty patients are women, out of the total 242, 684 nose job cases in 2012, 25% of those were performed on men. In fact, rhinoplasty is the number one surgical cosmetic procedure among men. It is worthy to mention that it takes a plastic surgeon with specialized skills to perform male rhinoplasty, as the male nose greatly differs from that of women and requires a different technique to ensure a new nose result that is masculine.

Myth 8: It Cannot Be Covered By My Insurance.

In general, insurance companies do not cover surgical cosmetic procedures. However, this is not the case with rhinoplasty when it involves a functional improvement. Some insurance companies may cover nose jobs that are performed because of a breathing problem from a deviated septum.

Myth 9: It Is Expensive.

Rhinoplasty in Australia typically costs between $8,000 to $12,000. This cost may not fit in the budget of an average full-time working individual, but there are always financing options available that make the rhinoplasty accessible and affordable. There are medical cards that are increasing in trend, which provides affordable installment plan payments with reasonable interest rates for surgical cosmetic procedures, like rhinoplasty. Other options include bank loans, credit cards and personal loans with friends or family. Also, a lot of clinics offer in-house financing with reasonable terms for patients who may not be able to secure loans to fund their nose jobs. You can always discuss this with your surgeon, they would be glad to provide you with options for it.

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Myth 10: Anyone Can Perform Rhinoplasty.

If you want to achieve the best and desired results, you should only approach a plastic surgeon who has the proper skills to perform a rhinoplasty. You should always choose a board-certified surgeon who underwent the necessary training. It is also best to seek out a surgeon who has had extensive experience in performing rhinoplasty.

During your consultation, ask for the surgeon’s portfolio of the patients he has handled. This is one of the best ways to know and see for yourself the extent of quality work he can do for your nose. If you happen to know anyone who has had the procedure with the doctor you are considering, ask him or her of their experience. This is a great way to know if you have approached the right surgeon in giving you a new nose. You would not want to get a rhinoplasty done and have a secondary procedure done because you are not happy with the results, right?

When you look at it closely, the best way to debunk all these nose job myths is to trust your new nose with a plastic surgeon that is well-trained and experienced to ensure that you will not encounter any problems with the procedure. If you are in Canberra, Brisbane, Melbourne or Sydney, Dr. Ahnsup Andrew Kim of the Advance Cosmetic Beauty Surgery will be glad to shed light on other rhinoplasty faqs that may still be lingering in your mind.

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