Thursday 26 July 2012

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Chin Implants for a Better Appearance?

Has Facebook Influenced you to
have cosmetic surgery?
With FaceTime, Skype and Facebook as common nowadays as a means of communication, a lot of people are becoming aware of one problem with their profiles on camera. They see that the chin and the area immediately behind it are giving them an unflattering shape, as if they have gained weight.

This led to the increasing demand for chin augmentation or chin implants to improve the look of their jaw line, and also as part of a cluster of facial procedures that will give an overall symmetrical improvement.

The laxity in the jaw line is usually due to excessive fats, aging, and poor skin elasticity and turgor. This gives the appearance of a double chin. This condition of the skin also removes the definition along the jawline.

The chin and the jaw areas are one of the face features that immediately show signs of aging.

As a result, there is an increase in chin augmentation surgery in the United States of up to 71% in 2011 according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS). A total of 21,000 surgeries were done, with more men (10,600) having it done compared to women (10,100). It surpassed the rate of increase in other more popular cosmetic treatments such as breast augmentation, liposuction and Botox.

Aging baby boomer populations along with the need to improve work success are also among the reasons why more individuals are getting chin implants. The population where the highest increase was observed are those who are in 40-54 age groups.

The age range for younger adults who had chin augmentation is between 20-29 years old, with a total of 2,750 procedures done.

But aside from improving the facial outline and removing years off your face. A chin augmentation also creates a marked improvement when done with other cosmetic surgeries such as rhinoplasty and cheek implants.

It gives more symmetry to the face. A nose that is fashioned too small relative to the chin will make the latter look too big. Whereas, a receded chin can make the nose look bigger and the neck fleshier.

A well-defined chin that is augmented just to the right size will make the entire face more appealing as it balance other nearby features.

The advantage of chin augmentation surgery is that it doesn’t really require a highly invasive procedure. It can be done by simply creating a small incision on the area just behind the chin. This way any scarring can be very well concealed.

But it must be stressed that only a good surgeon would be able to pull this successfully. That is why choosing should be done extensively and very carefully. Experience is very important, along with before and after photos as you scrutinize the work of a potential surgeon.

The right chin augmentation result should be subtle and yet it creates a marked improvement in a person’s overall profile. Alone it improves the lower facial area, and if done together with other facial procedures, it enhances their effect.

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